Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Joy of Homecoming!

Well the time is here Jackson is finally coming home....I can not believe he is almost home already but at the same time I believe it because it feels like it has been forever since he has been home. I am getting all excited and starting to prepair now it's time to start cleaning and geting all the final details done before he is home....I'm so excited and so nervous.....I am thankful because when he comes home he will be home for 18 months not counting the under ways...and then we will have one more deployment till he is on shore duty again...oh what a day that will be I can not Wait for that day to come....I sit here right now though and think of the day he is home and in my arms again....I sit here and think wow how amazing it will be. I have to admit . as much as I have hated this deployment I love it because it has taught both of us to appreciate and love each other more then we ever have. Deployment really teaches you how much you take forgranted day in and day out.  Sorry I am kinda ranting this is my first blog and I have no idea what to talk about then what I am thinking.....if you have any advice about home coming please feel free to message me and let me know! God Bless!